Thursday, June 17, 2010

Craig Mack holding a t-shirt that says Illuminati 2010, in 1996

The Story Behind Craig Mack’s Prescient Illuminati Shirt

6 Comments 15 June 2010

Famed hip-hop photographer Ernie Paniccioli (Who Shot Ya?) snapped this picture of Craig Mack holding up an Illuminati t-shirt. I haven’t been able to verify the date of this photograph but it looks like it was taken sometime in the 90s. Does anyone know what the 2010 stands for? Perhaps a prescient warning of some sort?

Ernie had this to say in the comment section: “The Shirt was created by my Haitian best friend who is now sadly MIA. He knew 2010 was the date when all types of evil would be manifested both man made and by the forces of nature as in Earthquakes (China, Haiti, Chile) volcanoes (Iceland), flooding (Memphis) and of course BP oil and two never ending wars in the Middle East. Peace, Ernie
PS the photo was taken in 1996 in Harlem.”

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