Wednesday, May 19, 2010

B IS FOR BEAST....Behind the Scenes..Nick Brazinsky X Twista photo shoot


As he rides through the streets of the mighty Chi on his golden chariot powered by his noble steed that is the Honda CRV sitting on baby Daytons murdered out black on black, “WHO IS NICK B“ is on a strict misson. A mission to command his army of enough megapixels one can see through time. Not to be confused with an extension of his own limbs he breaths fire through the lens of the apparatus that merely projects the image that is spawned within his mind for a monochrome world to be left in awe.

Prowling through the gritty streets he hungers for the perfect snapshot, once it is in sight he unifies his troops , and with one little electric pulse shooting from his membrane it sets off his trigger finger releasing the supernova of his flash. Hunting for Sport is the wrong term to be used in this scenario because the hunted is never even aware it is being looked upon as a meal from where Nick B preys.

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